What is firewall and how does it work? All this information is going to be in this article. It is as if the firewall protects your device from the Internet.
If you do not know anything about firewalls, then know the basic information that it is very important for you because, without it, your device is not safe at all. How important the firewall is, its use and working methods, and how we can apply them are all going to be known.
A simple example of this can be imagined as a security guard who stands at the gate of a building or house and decides who can go in and out of the building and who cannot.
The hardware firewall works by connecting with the network ID of the computer system, and the software firewall works by being installed in the computer. Another example of a software firewall is when you open something downloaded from the internet or install software in the system, a dialogue box appears in front of you with information about it that would have been mentioned along with it. That is, "This file has come from another computer." At that time, you have to give permission to the firewall by clicking yes.
To ensure the security of your computer and data, a firewall continuously scans all incoming files, data and connections to the Internet and blocks any illegal activity that occurs. No matter whether your computer is connected to a local or global network or the Internet, a firewall protects you everywhere.
3.If you use a firewall, then it has improved the security of your system.
2.Maintaining the firewall becomes very difficult at times. meaning that you have to implement new policies from time to time and also keep in mind the old ones.
3.There are also some firewalls that come into our system; they provide security but also bring some unwanted files, which can make our storage full.
What is Firewall?
A firewall is a network security system that protects our computers from invasive software that secretly sneaks into our computers and passes all personal details to hackers, who send them to the software that exploits them. You can implement this in two ways: one is hardware and the other is software; you do not need to install a software-based firewall separately if you have an up-to-date operating system.A simple example of this can be imagined as a security guard who stands at the gate of a building or house and decides who can go in and out of the building and who cannot.
How Does the Firewall Work?
Although the working methods of the two types of firewalls differ, they share many characteristics, such as the fact that both firewalls scan files received from the internet to see if they contain any malicious content. blocks it. and also secures the system.Read also - What is cache memory and how does it work?
What are the types of firewalls?
1.Hardware Firewall -
It is much better than software firewall because we can use the same firewall in more than one computer, and when you connect your computer to your router or modem, it enables the firewall in your computer and checks every file coming from the internet. It works by connecting to the network id of your computer system, and any malicious files it receives are quarantined. and secures the system.2. Software Firewall -
All computer systems are firewall-activated with their operating systems. When multiple computers are connected to the network at the same time, the firewall activates and prevents viruses from spreading from one computer to another; however, when used on a small scale, such as a personal computer or laptop, it remains quite secure.Advantage Of Firewall
1.It provides protection to your computer from Virus attack, Spyware and Hacking.2.Installing a firewall on a computer is quite simple. Within a few minutes, your computer can have automatic firewall software installed. There are two firewalls that come with Windows and Mac. You can purchase Hardware Firewall to attach to your machine if you'd like.
4. Firewall available at very low cost.
Limitations Of Firewall
1.When removing a software-based firewall from the system, it is never completely removed.Read - What is operating system?
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Friends, you have to know and understand what is firewall and how it works, as well as all the important things related to it. We also saw how many types of firewalls there are. What are the benefits and drawbacks of installing firewalls, and finally, what are the names of five firewalls? You can use any of these for yourself. After reading all the information about firewalls, tell them how you feel by commenting.